Chaotic Times

Yes, I have been a lazy bum about keeping up with the blog! Things have been hectic.

We have been talking about spending an extended stay (1 month or so) in Dahab, and FINALLY put in the time to find a place and make it happen.

Last week we were in Dahab looking at flats for August rental. It wasn’t looking too good, AND we were supposed to be changing apartments in Cairo, so hell was breaking loose all over the place.

Long and short of it – we found a nice place in Dahab, close to the beach, our favorite pizza place, and a nice pub; we are not changing flats in Cairo, life has settled down.

I have to admit, I am VERY bummed that the apartment in Cairo didn’t work out. It was SUCH a nice place. AND it was not in the dorm, so I could avoid seeing my students day and night, I could have privacy! But, alas, the housing office decided to be EXTREMELY unhelpful, and eventually told us that IF we wanted to move to that flat, we would have to do it in a span of about 3 days – after the current residents left, and before the start of August or Tough Sh*T.

One opportunity lost, but another gained – August in Dahab.

Last week was a lot of reconnoitering interspersed with some really nice dives – for BOTH of us! Soon we will head back for more diving, interspersed with work (and, for me, Dive Master Training!).

I, apparently, am living in INTERESTING times! 🙂


  1. Wow, you were going to move? Glad somebody’s still staying out in Zamalek … where was the new place? Maadi?

    KD – The place was also in Zamalek. Just a few blocks from where we are now, but out of the dorm. We had/have no intention of leaving Zamalek – and now housing is making SURE of that!

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