More Chaos – and closure

It seems that everyone (especially Gozi – Arabic for my husband) knows that the idea of us moving to another flat, even within Zamalek, is INSANE. Everyone, that is, except me. Until last night.

Back story: in my last installment, I talked about us TRYING and being DENIED a flat in Zamalek. Just after posting that, I received an e-mail from housing. My complete raving b*tch, hissy-fit e-mail about how “…it’s not FAIR…” was received, and responded to. We could move to the other flat, on OUR schedule, if that was what we wanted.

Oh joy! Oh happiness! Oh CRAP!!!!!
This turnaround means a ton of legwork and packing as well as readjustment to a new physical space.
NO PROBLEM! We got the key and began taking measurements.

After a weekend of logistical nightmares, pages of notes about the items that needed fixing, changing or moving, and the realization that certain of our belongings (namely the dishwasher) could not be moved to the new flat (no room in the kitchen without a TOTAL remodel), the “light dawned on Marblehead”.

I cried.
Not because we can’t move – we can if we want to. I cried because of all the stress and wasted energy that had been put into an idea that was doomed from the start. Jack knew that and through it all was a trooper. He measured, commented, made suggestions, came up with harebrained solutions for problems with the flat. All that so that I would “be happy”. And instead I caused unhappiness to both of us.

Well… Closure has been attained. We are not moving. My decision. The problems with the current flat are far fewer and the fact of not having to move far exceeds the benefits of the other place.

Why are others able to see these things so clearly, when I cannot? Maybe it is time for glasses? 🙂


  1. It was not crazy to move within Zamalek. That apartment just wasn’t quite good enough to justify the move.
    I am really sorry it didn’t work out.

  2. Sounds like you needed to go through all the preliminaries to realize that it really wasn’t a “perfect” answer to your privacy problems. Glad you have reached a good conclusion to the dilemma, and saved yourself and Jack much work. Kudos to Jack for patience (not a word I normally think of in relation to Jack!) Enjoy your time in Dahab, and return to Cairo rested and ready for your final year at AUC!!!

  3. Nah, glasses wouldn’t help. Everyone has tunnel vision on certain things, and you just gotta work them through ’til you come to a decision.

    I wasn’t a bad idea, just not the right place right now. No dishwasher? Horrors! 😉

  4. I didn’t realize you were in Zamalek. We stayed in the hostel when we visited back in March and can understand your earlier comments about privacy and living with students.

    Sorry to hear the planned move didn’t happen but i firmly believe that these things happen for a reason. This just means that something better is around the corner! :))

  5. Of course, you could’ve hired/bought a small boy to do your dishes. Probably would’ve been cheaper than moving the dishwasher.

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