Thoughts from the Commute

7September – first day of classes, first day of the commute:

Leaving the dirt and chaos,
Delving into newness, construction
Hope in the desert
Making personal oases?

Rising dread and fear,
This is NEVER what I wanted.

7October – just returning from the Eid break, one month since classes began:

Daily the ride is the same
Trip distance is a constant
The distance that changes
by magnitudes each minute
Is that of my heart.

My dreams, my Egypt
that which I had come to grips with
Recedes rapidly as I am transported
to the desert mirage.

Feeling suffocated in the openness
Wishing that, like the mirage,
this would evaporate as I approached.

1 comment

  1. oh such lovely but sad lines! If the bus commute story didn’t convey, these surely did!

    poor, poor KD!

    cheer up: 30mph gusts and icy, wind driven torrents of rain in seattle tonight!

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