Christmas in Cairo means…..


Cairenes will recognize this name. Others will need to be informed. Garagos is the name of a small town outside of Luxor that is renowned (at least in Egypt) for their pottery.

Just 25 kilometres outside Luxor lies the small town of Garagos. It is the heart of a thriving pottery industry started by two French monks in the early 20th century. The pottery that comes from Garagos is very charming and in high demand. And getting it at the source means getting the best price! Always nice eh?

At the site of the pottery workshop – also a monastery and built by the renowned architect Hassan Fathy, by the way – we get a guided tour showing us the process from start to finish. And then we dive into the shop and the storeroom, a real treasure trove of ceramic goodies.
From: Travel to Egypt

I was not introduced to the Garagos pottery exposition/sale until my second Christmas season – but I have not suffered from that set-back! Two years of going to the exposition has filled my cabinets with beautiful pottery.

These are my purchases from this year!

1 comment

  1. Wow you certainly did well! I really like those covered bowls. 🙂

    You’re going to have a devil of a time packing all that up eventually tho.

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