Another trip around the sun

I’ve just completed my third trip around the sun since moving to Cairo.  The first one marked a decade – the rest have been just as good.

We celebrated this one with our farewell “Third Tuesday” happy hour(s) at our flat.  We’ve been hosting this gathering for the majority of the three years here, and this was our final one.

It has been a great run – we had an incredible turnout of people for the “Mawlid” extravaganza and final happy hour at our place.  I will miss the people and the community greatly.  We have built a really good band of crazy friends here.  Leaving them makes me sad.

There will be things that I won’t miss – having to cover my shoulders and knees in PUBLIC, not being allowed to touch or kiss my hubby in public, CRAP WINE!!!!  But all-in-all, I wouldn’t trade this three years, the people I’ve met, the things I’ve seen, the joys and frustrations I’ve experienced, for ANYTHING in the world.  Certainly  not the “safety” and “normalcy” of staying in the States.

I’m not sure that my forays around the sun have made me any wiser, but they have certainly been FUN.  Looking forward to many more.

Thanks everyone!

1 comment

  1. You know you’re going to miss drinking Pledge… er… Egyptian wine. :p At any rate those of us staying behind will miss you!

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