Sun girl, surf girl –> HAPPY girl

One of the biology classes had a field trip to Ayn Souhkna today. That is a blink on the road along the Gulf of Suez, leading to Hergadah. There were 9 students, an instructor (colleague from AUC), another instructor, our department custodian (a great cook), Jack and myself. We left Cairo at oh-dark-thirty and were at the spot before 10am.

Initially it was a bit overcast and breezy, but as we geared up for snorkling (YES – this was a biology class field trip! Snorkling in the Red Sea!!) the clouds began to move off and the temp went up. We were in the water for about an hour. I was acting as a cat-herder, trying to keep buddy groups together in rather rough conditions, pointing students toward the coral reef patches that they needed to observe and doing a bit of playing for/by myself.

THIS WAS MY FIRST RED SEA EXPERIENCE!!! Since I began diving in 19mumblemumblemumble, the Red Sea has been equivalent to Mecca for diving. This spot was a humble beginning, however I was able to snorkel above a LIVING coral reef. This was hard, reef-building coral! I saw tropical fish, 2 species of urchins, many types of corals – it was wonderful! 🙂

The hour in the water was spectacular, and VERY draining. Excitement and responsibility, as well as “challenging” surf conditions, made it an exhausting hour. I was actually amazed that I could be soooo tired after an hour in the water. After the first of what was scheduled to be two snorkles, we came out of the water to fresh, hot bbq chicken, stuffed peppers, eggplant and zucchini, and salad. Life is soo good.

Suffice to say, a day at the beach, snorkling, seeing living coral patches – even with the difficult conditions – was an amazing outing! We never made it back in for the second snorkel due to conditions, and that was OK with me.

I think I’ll sleep (and dream) well tonite.

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