Between school, the wedding and the house, things are a little hectic. Add to that the “incidentals” of going to Egypt (vaccinations, house repair, packing) and things get a bit out of hand. This week was time for me to get my eyes checked, begin my vaccinations (luckily I’d done a lot of the basic ones before going to Namibia/S.Africa in ’03) and attempt to begin the organizational nightmare of going thru “stuff” in the house.

Unless you have moved in the recent past, you probably have no idea how much stuff you have. My office is FILLED with stuff, and every attempt to sort it into one of the three “S” categories (ship, store, sell) has initiated, what can only be described as, the “SPROING” effect. This is when what seems like a normal, manageable amount of stuff continues to grow exponentially the closer you examine it. What had seemed like a perfectly tidy office is now a disaster area scattered with half-filled boxes and stacks of unidentifiable (but obviously desperately important) stuff. I can feel myself hyperventilate just thinking about it. I do understand that, somehow, it will all work itself out. Very little will be stored or shipped. The rest will become SEP (“somebody else’s problem” – from Hitchhikers Guide) and no longer concern me. I look forward to that day – cuz right now I’m a bit overwhelmed. Thanks for listening.

1 comment

  1. Hmmm…this sounds like a call for a b*tch nite! Or, at least a call for help in packing/sorting/etc. You’re doing great KD. Lemme know if you need anything. Hugs!

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