I’m still here….

Seattle is still a bit of an oddity to me, but, only5+ months since returning, I am attempting to get things figured out again. My job is going fine.  I haven’t seen my evaluations from last quarter, but I felt the whole thing went pretty well.  Only real issues: a LOT of students dropped the… Continue reading I’m still here….

Starting over

We got back in August. I’ve made very few posts since then. This was, in part, due to the overwhelming craziness of the move, the readjustment, going back to my former job, blahblahblah. I was also not sure if we were going to “retire” Cairo Chronicles. Well… it seems we are keeping it. So I’m… Continue reading Starting over

Only makes sense to me

In that whole “Crap, I’m not dealing with this readjustment thing very well”, here’s my day. We’ve been home for a month – OY, has it been that long? – during which I have been blissfully not required to go to work.  Jobs in education have a FEW advantages (June, July, August!). Since our return,… Continue reading Only makes sense to me

Things are Different Here

NSTIW – we had been home for 4 days.  During that time, I’d freaked out numerous times because of the HUGE, shiny and expen$ive shopping experiences that were necessary. On the day in question, I’d decided it was time to COOK AT HOME.  (For Cairenes you know how strange and impressive an idea this was!) … Continue reading Things are Different Here

Recycling overload

Our shipment arrived.  The boxes were a tad beat up, but nothing was falling out or OBVIOUSLY damaged from the outside (unlike our boxes from Namibia – but that is another story). Nineteen boxes take up most of our living room – full or empty. When they arrived – full – there was a mere… Continue reading Recycling overload

Ramblings from ?home?

It is true – we are back Stateside. I’ve been relatively quiet lately due to lack of internet in some of our cool vacation destinations, only having one computer for both gozi and me (sharing is HARD), being busy just enjoying the vacation, and getting home to no communications opportunities in the house (no landline… Continue reading Ramblings from ?home?

Thailand – better late than never

HERE are some photos from Chiang Mai.  We didn’t do ANYTHING in Bangkok, so there are no photos from there. Still working on photos from…Hanoi, Hue, Hoi An…. Still taking photos in Saigon. More to come.

Headed to Vietnam

After 6 days in Thailand, Bangkok and Chiang Mai, we are now sitting in the airport waiting for our (delayed)  flight to Hanoi. Bangkok was fun, relaxing, it poured rain one night, and we ate ourselves silly.  Chiang Mai was much the same – mostly eating and sleeping, some shopping and a lovely spa treatment… Continue reading Headed to Vietnam

Can’t fully grok this

Our AUC car will be here to pick us up in about 3 hours.  This is nothing new or different – but it is.  THIS TIME we don’t have a return flight.  THIS TIME we aren’t coming back. I am having a lot of difficulty with this, for many reasons.  I am not fully prepared… Continue reading Can’t fully grok this