
Let the inanity commence!

Why this blog is here:

Kaddee, my beloved partner of 10 years, and I are moving from Seattle to Cairo for 2 years starting sometime in August 2006.

Kaddee was offered a visiting professorship at The American University in Cairo.

This weblog, and hers (coming RSN) are here to track our mundane, every days lives preparing for the move, and living in, Cairo.

Including all THE PREP required for the trip.

For just a little taste of that, stop looking at your computer for a second.

Take a look around you. Assuming you are at home, look at every single thing you see and realize that every last bit of it must fit into one of 3 categoris

  1. Sell
  2. Ship
  3. Store

Everything. That coffee mug. The books on the shelf. Everything on the walls. The cat/dog/ferret. The knick-knacks. (Or as a friend refers to them “shit-knacks”). The smoking monkey you got for Christmas. All of it. Every last bit of it.

I find myself looking at everything as I go about my day: Do I bring this? That has to come with us. Can I get one of those once I get to Cairo? Will it be cheaper or more expensive over there or perhaps not available? I am not paying to ship that
I don’t sleep so well anymore.

Anyway, all that is how I got here and came to start this blog.

Occasionally it might even be interesting or amusing, insh’allah. Whether you are laughing with me or at me, doesn’t really matter.

13 replies on “Let the inanity commence!”

Thanks for keeping us in the loop on this grand adventure. BTW, when did you start smoking monkey? Don’t you know, that’s just a gateway primate?

I do not envy you in your move. I found it to be a complete PITA to move ~8 miles. We have plenty of space if you want us to store any vehicles (park and sit or drive once a month),

Wow, Jack isn’t including a “throw it away!” category. That’s amazing. You can store motorcycles with me, the charges aren’t overwhelming (for some).

Yeeeehaaaaaa! Let the wild adventure begin! I’m imagining Jack in one of those cute Man Dresses and, well, they’re just not utilikilts, ya know? (very big evil grin)

I like the weather display.
Now, if it only showed the local time in Cairo. I usually know what time it is PDT, but I have to do all this higher mathematics to determine Cario time.

Re: showing the local time in Cairo

The author of the plugin that does the weather and I are “in discussions” regarding the quality of the plugin. There are several issues with it. I attempted to display more that one city (seattle and cairo) and it appears to have totally hosed the sunrise/sunset times.

It uses the localtime relative to the server hosting the web page to display the time. I could hack it to add 9 hours. If the server used a slightly newer version of perl, i could override the defaul timezone.
hack and hacks…

It was pretty damn easy.
You need db admin priv’s (or have the db admin set up the account for you).

It all pretty much just works right out of the box.

Then you can play with themes, plugins and options.

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