For Sale Packing The Prep

Question: Does craigslist attract EEDIOTS?

Or is it just the general population?

Since we are leaving the country, we are selling a lot of “stuff”.

Furniture, dishes, lamps, clothes, books, books, books. That kinda stuff.

We have a web page up where we list items for sale, many of them with photos.

I have a post on craigslist saying that I have
a bunch of stuff for sale, including furniture,
books, computer stuff, kitch stuff etc etc.

It clearly says, for a complete list and prices
of what is for sale, visit my website,
and I give the URL for it.

I have received *3* phone calls that all went something like this:

EEDIOT: Hi, I am looking for a couch and an easy chair.
ME: Ok, I have a couch, but no easy chair.
EEDIOT: What color is it?
ME:(pause: there is a PICTURE on the website AND it lists the color as “taupe”) It is taupe colored.
EEDIOT: What style is it?
ME: (pause: this info is on the website) It is a “roll arm, attached pillow back”
EEDIOT: How big is it.
ME: (pause: the dimensions are on the website) Did you look at the website?
EEDIOT: I am looking at it now.
ME: oooook, it lists the dimensions and all this info on the website
EEDIOT (huffily): Well, all it says here is “furniture etc for sale”
ME: (pause to repeatedly apply head to desk) You are looking at the ad on craigslist.
EEDIOT: Of course, that’s where the ad is!
ME: (pause: count to 10) See the line below the line that says
“furniture for sale? The one that says click here for a complete list
and prices”?
EEDIOT: uhhhh yeah.
ME: click on it and take a look around. It has photos and descriptions.
EEDIOT: cool! I’ll look through them and call you back:
ME: Ok, bye.

BTW: None of these people ever called back.

BTW2: I had a woman that really really really wanted a couple of pieces of furniture.

She was very concerned that someone would buy it before she could get to see it.

She called on a Thursday and couldn’t get to the house till Saturday. I told her I would hold them for her.

Saturday morning she called and said she was running a little late, maybe half-an-hour late. Fine.

She never showed up.

I called her cell phone and it rang and rang. Then voice mail picked up and said “This users voice mailbox is full and cannot receive any further voicemails. Thank you. CLICK”
I have had several people email and call about a car I have listed on craigslist as well. Tried to make arrangements for people to come see it. No one has.

I have another person from craigslist schedule to come by to look at some remaining furniture. We will see how that goes.

As of yet, I have not sold a single item through craigslist.

2 replies on “Question: Does craigslist attract EEDIOTS?”

Hey old man!

Decided to look up your old website and got a blank page. A bit of searching around found me on Google Earth and I tracked you down to here!

And you got married man! You never sent me the date or I would have come! But anyways, congrats to you and Kadee! I guess 9 years of living together is more than enough time to figure out if you are compatible! LOL

I’d buy some of your stuff but more than likely it would cost more to ship them than to buy them heehee.

Keep in touch man!


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