Photographs Travel

White Desert Photos

I have a bunch of photos from our Thanksgiving trip to the White Desert. Some of them are up here.

I will have a post or two eventually.

4 replies on “White Desert Photos”

so how was that guy picking the dates hanging onto the tree?
I like the camel pic. my fave so far. : )

Jack: He is balancing on a couple of branches.

like the camel. snow (sand) angels even better. WTF???? kaddee’s hair is long enough to wear a barrette? in THAT coiffure? wow. will come to torture you…. wendy

You don’t like the coif? It’s hard to look that good after 2 days in the desert. Besides, if you want to see a LOVELY picture of me, look at my pics. That is what I looked like the next morning! LOL

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