
And then there were none….

We have made some good friends here. They are a diverse and fascinating group of people. [Now, I have many diverse and fascinating friends back in Seattle, but these people are different in a way. Their experiences differ from mine a great deal. They have traveled more than I have, for one thing. That is unusual for me. Anyway]

Being here for a second year has exposed us to a phenomenon I have taken to referring to as “saying goodbye at the wholesale level”.

There is a fairly substantial turnover every year here at AUC. There are visiting professors, graduate students, post-docs, various visiting fellows etc.

Some of them were easy to say goodbye to. That sounds harsh, but people come and go in one’s life. Some, while pleasant to have around, don’t leave a big hole when they leave.

June is filled with going away parties. We said goodbye to people that we are not likely to ever see again.

Now, one could argue that one never knows if one will see someone ever again. You, or they, could be hit by a bus and poof! they are gone forever.

But this is different. It is unlikely that we will see these people again even if life proceeds as “normal” and no one gets hit by a bus. They has dispersed to the 4 corners of the earth.

There are some that we will attempt to stay in contact with. Some that I really do hope to meet again someday, somewhere.

The last of those people left late last night. Our friend Craig, who went with us to Petra, flew home to NYC.

He came in with us last year. He was in our “cohort” or newbies. He is a video journalist and has traveled extensively. As a result he has some truly great experiences and stories. The man could easily drink on these stories for many years…

We have dined and drank beer and told stories and laughed together frequently.

Especially this last month or so. He stayed with us for a few weeks after he gave up his apartment.

I have the apartment to myself for the first time in several weeks, which is always kinda nice. But I know we will miss him.

I really hope we can get together now and again.

Good luck, Craig.

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